All around us and within us a light is calling to us. Can you hear it?
All around us and within us a light is calling to us. Can you hear it? This light is everywhere; it permeates all of nature. It is in the earth and in the animals, birds, insects, and fish. And it is in us.
This is spiritual light—subtle energy—known by people all around the world and called by various names—such as spirit, ruach, élan vital, mana, prana, kundalini, and chi (also as ki or qi), as well as more modern expressions such as bioenergy, od, orgone, and torsion.
Subtle energy is a different substance from “physical” energies such as electromagnetic radiation or gravity. We can see physical energy with our eyes or hear it with our ears, and we can detect, measure, and calculate its actions with our scientific instruments and mathematical formulas. But subtle energy is different. It cannot be directly detected by our instruments or our eyes or ears.
Subtle energy is sensed—we hear it with our spirit. Our spirit is our human energy field, sometimes called the biofield, an energy body, or an energetic aura. We use our energy field to sense—to hear—subtle energy.
Subtle energy calls. It whirls in the air of the streets. It is present in the cities where people live closely together, and it is present in the quiet places away from the city, up in the high places of nature and along the pathways. It calls to all of us. It calls to the “simple,” (those who are silly or naive). It even calls to the “scorners” and “fools,” (those who have ignored it repeatedly in the past). But all who will listen become exceedingly wise.
Subtle energy permeates all of nature, but there are places throughout the environment where it accumulates in greater strength. Subtle energy rides on physical carrier elements—such geometric designs, air, sunshine, flowing water, certain types of rocks, and tall healthy trees. When these carrier elements are present, especially in larger amounts, there is a greater presence of subtle energy. These are the areas that attract us. The areas attract the energy of our human spirit. These are the places that bring us refreshment and healing.
Designs and Formulas
Subtle energy contains geometric designs and mathematical formulas. The patterns of growth of the objects on the earth and in the heavens are a result of the energy permeating these elements. Trees, plants, animals, and humans all grow and move according to the mathematical, proportional formulas in this energy.
The proper mathematical proportion in the design of nature's elements is one of the reasons why nature is beautiful. Nature is beautiful because its form is beautiful, and the form is beautiful because of the formulas in the energy. Subtle energy radiates through the designs and formulas. Our human spirit likewise has these designs and formulas enfolded in it, and when we see these designs in nature, our spirit stirs. Our spirit recognizes the designs and wants to be in the presence of these designs. We gaze upon this beauty, and our spirit, body, and emotions respond.
This is the foundation for the subject of Sacred Geometry and for phenomena such as a logarithmic spiral, the Fibonacci Spiral (Golden Spiral), the Divine Proportion (Divine Ratio) or the Golden Proportion (Golden Ratio).
Sunlight, especially the aspect of color, is a carrier of subtle energy. When sunlight touches the plants, trees, rocks, and water, some of the light penetrates these elements and some of the light bounces off. The light that bounces off is what we perceive as color. Color is the brain's perception of the vibrating light waves and is a powerful carrier of subtle energy.
In art, the placement of the colors on the color wheel represents the proportional relation of the vibratory rates. We perceive some colors to be pleasing when they are in close proximity to each other and other colors as not pleasing. Some proportions are “beautiful,” and some are not. Our spirit knows which proportions are proper and which proportions are not proper because our spirit has the formulas for the proper proportions imprinted within its energy. The colors in nature are in proper mathematical proportion and are beautiful. The soft palette of spring, the cheery colors of summer, the golden palette of fall, and the sparkling crispness of winter are proportional and beautiful.
This is why Art Therapy and Color Therapy are powerful healing modalities. The beauty of color touches our spirit.
Flowing Water
Water is a carrier of subtle energy, especially flowing water. Water bubbling from a spring or flowing down a river is a rich source of this energy. As water flows and bounces off obstacles, such as rocks or logs in the water, the water spins and creates little funnels—vortexes. The vortexes in flowing water attract into their spin the subtle energy that is in the atmosphere and the earth. As more energy enters the vortexes, they become bigger and then attract even more energy into the spins. In a lake or ocean, when a wave rises up and then crashes, the crash of the wave creates a multitude of tiny vortexes as the wave crosses the underlying flow of the body of water. The spinning energy then attracts more energy.
Mature trees
A mature forest is a rich source of subtle energy. The tall trees pull water and subtle energy up from the ground and up through their trunks, while the energy in sunlight energizes the leaves. Subtle energy in a mature forest flows up. When there is a mature forest near flowing water, the energy can be especially strong. The energy flowing through the water crosses paths with the energy flowing up the trees. Whenever energy flowing in one direction crosses with energy flowing another direction, the energy will spin and create vortexes, and the vortexes will attract more energy from the atmosphere into the spins.
This is why Health Retreats and Wellness Retreats are located in beautiful wooded and lake-side settings. The setting matters. People start Healing Retreats in locations of high subtle energy.
Certain types of rocks are strong sources of subtle energy. For example, rocks that contain minerals with a paramagnetic charge will attract subtle energy from the atmosphere when the rock is exposed to the sun. The physical paramagnetic energy in the mineral attracts the subtle energy. Subtle energy then accumulates in the area of the exposed rock, producing a greater charge of energy in that area.
Some rocks carry and convey a large amount of the subtle energy that is in the earth. Minerals in the form of crystals have a molecular structure like a lattice that enables both physical energy and subtle energy to flow through them. The internal latticework of crystals amplifies the energy.
This is the foundation for the fascination with Crystals and the healing modalities that incorporate Crystals.
Sound Waves
Sound waves are powerful carriers of subtle energy. Music is mathematical. Harmony is the proportional coupling of sounds—“thirds,” “fifths,” “sixths,” and so on. Melody and rhythm are the proportional structure of the sequence of sounds.
Proper proportion imbues music with subtle energy, and our human spirit can sense this energy and resonate with it. When a proportion is correct, our spirit stirs. We listen. It draws us in. When a sequence flows, our spirit moves and our body responds. We dance.
The energy in music can heal. This is the power behind the healing modalities of Sound Therapy and Music Therapy.
The fragrance of herbs and spices is a powerful carrier of subtle energy. The energy in fragrance can stimulate our human spirit and give it strength. The energy in fragrance can stimulate desires and emotions.
This is the power behind Healing Oils, currently referred to as Essential Oils.
The light of subtle energy shines everywhere, although it is stronger in the presence of carrier elements. And it calls to all who will hear it.
Subtle energy has an element of consciousness within it. This energy is what sparks consciousness within humans and within all of nature to varying degrees. All of nature is conscious to varying degrees and even has emotional capacity.
And this energy sparks the awareness of God.
The books featured on this website present the Bible’s description of subtle energy. Bible passages contain detailed descriptions of this energy and show that God creates this energy first, before the earth and the heavens, and God then speaks and unfolds from this energy the rest of the created elements. This energy then permeates and animates all created things.
This is the energy that enables Hope and Faith.
We hear (sense) this energy with our spirit, but we must be aware of and sensitive to our spirit to be able to hear. The books featured on this website likewise present the Bible’s description of the human spirit and show the importance of the human spirit for health, wellness, and true Christian faith.
As we become more aware of our human spirit and learn how to sense the subtle energy moving within us and around us, we can better discern what subtle energy says. Subtle energy calls, and it has a definite message.
Subtle energy—spiritual light—tells us to “fear” God—to respect God and to recognize His vast power, intelligence, and holiness. God is perfect and holy, and through this energy He communicates His holiness and tells us that He wants us to be holy too.
This energy contains a moral code. God imprinted His moral code into the energy when He created it. Subtle energy conveys the message that there are actions and attitudes that are acceptable to God and there are actions and attitudes that are not acceptable to God. Some things are right to do, and some things are wrong to do.
The light calls each one of us. It calls us to worship the powerful, beautiful, and holy God. The energy attracts us to God and urges us to be like Him.
Can you hear it?