For Those Who Will Seek

A series of introductory videos addressing the most important and yet basic questions

Cindy Kay Lail has been reading and learning from the Bible for more than fifty years, and here she presents videos that address the most important, yet basic questions of the Christian faith. These videos provide the foundation and introduction for all the books at Cindy Kay Lail Publications.

The most important question in all of life is “Who is God and what is He like?” God is a person—Who talks! He wants to talk to us, and He wants us to talk to Him. The Bible tells us what God is like, and by learning what the Bible says, we can get to know Him.

The second most important question is “Who is Jesus and what is He like?” Jesus is the real Son of God through a human mother. He is the mingling of God and human. He was born for the special purpose of living a perfect life and then dying voluntarily as a gift for us. He rose from the dead and will live forever, and He invites us to trust in Him.

The third most important question is “Why did Jesus die for me?” God has a moral standard—a standard of right and wrong, and He wants us to obey it. But sadly, all humans have disobeyed it. There is a penalty on human disobedience, a price that has to be paid, but that price is too big for humans to pay it. Jesus was born so that He could pay this penalty for us.

The fourth most important question is “What do I do after I trust in Jesus?” After we trust in Jesus, God’s Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. He gives us the power and strength to obey what God what us to do.